Frequently Asked Questions
Biaya listing di Jitu Property tidak di pungut biaya.
Anda cukup mengikut syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Berikut ini adalah beberapa ketentuan penting dalam melistingkan property :
- Property tersebut valid (dapat ditransaksikan dengan sah secara hukum). Anda adalah pemilik atau mewakili pemilik yang SAH. Property tidak dalam sengketa, proses hukum atau sudah disita.
- Info Property yang valid : Alamat, geo-location, ukuran, harga dan photo-photo menarik.
- Jitu Property akan kirimkan laporan mingguan serta konfirmasi ketersediaan property melalui email. Pemilik dapat non-active-kan listing setiap saat atau merubah harga.
Komisi 0% apabila Anda (sebagai pemilik) jual sendiri walaupun telah diiklan oleh Jitu. Anda tidak perlu bayar komisi ke Jitu Property dan anggap saja dapat iklan gratis. Kami bersyukur sudah membantu dan Anda cukup memberikan referensi yang baik mengenai kami kepada 5 rekan lainnya.
Apabila property Anda terjual oleh bantuan Agent Jitu Property, komisi kami adalah standard, yaitu :
- Harga Property hingga 4 milliar adalah 3%
- 4 milliar hingga 8 milliar adalah 2.5%
- Diatas 8 milliar adalah 2%
Komisi normal diatas berbeda untuk penjualan primary, property milik PT, Gedung, atau Hotel mempunyai arrangement khusus.
- Tidak di pungut biaya listing.
- Bisa di Listing langsung oleh Pemilik atau Agent
- Setiap listing akan di iklankan di SEO dan social media
- Dapat di install ke mobile phone sehingga semua fitur termasuk notifikasi juga tersedia.
- Tersedia dashboard untuk buyer/owner/agent untuk memantau perkembangan penjualan
Anda agent ? Mari mendaftar di Jitu Property.
Anda akan banyak mendapatkan keuntungan diantaranya agent dapat keuntungan 100% komisi tanpa harus bagi kepada Jitu Property apabila dapat buyer sendiri dan menjual listingan sendiri, walaupun property sudah teregister di Jitu Property, serta banyak keuntungan yang lainnya
Ensure that you have the following on hand:
- Your national identity card or passport
- Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Your certificate of your last education level
Then do the following:
- After logging in, go to the Account Setting tab. This can be accessed by clicking on the rightmost button of the bottom navigation bar.
- Click on "Register As Agent".
- Follow the instructions given, and click submit.
You will be notified whether your application is successful or not.
Jitu Property offers an absolutely free listing/posting of your property. You can add as many properties as you like. Any of your properties posted by an agent will also be displayed on your dashboard. Remember that you can only post your property once on Jitu Property. Duplicate property is absolutely not allowed. You will also need to supply a complete address and geoposition for your address. If you list/post the property directly as a home owner, you might be eligible for Jitu Property promotions and discounts. You can find out our promotions and discounts on our website.
- After logging in as a home owner, on the home page, click on the My Property button
- On the My Property activity, click the '+' floating action button.
- Follow the instructions shown on-screen to add a property.
- After submitting a property, it will be pending for approval.
- The property will then either be approved, rejected, or requested to be improved.
- Approved: The property has been approved by Jitu Property and will be published on the app.
- Rejected: The property has been rejected by Jitu Property.
- Improvement request: The property may be lacking certain criteria (such as photos, etc.) and details of the request (e.g. 'Please add more photos of this property.') will be shown. You will then have to make the appropriate changes for the property to be approved.
Once you are approved as an agent, you can list/post as many properties into Jitu Property. We have a single-listing policy, meaning that a property can be posted once. Therefore, we require a full address and geoposition over the property. This also ensures you as a listing agent. Please read the terms and conditions as a listing agent carefully here. Once the home owner's mobile phone number has been registered, the same number will be used as a reference by the system to identify the home owner when he/she installs the application. It will automatically appear in the dashboard.
Note that you must be able to contact the home owner, as we will send an OTP to the home owner.
- After logging in as an agent, on the home page, click on the My Property button
- On the My Property activity, click the '+' floating action button.
- Enter the details of the home owner.
- Follow the instructions shown on-screen to add a property.
- After submitting a property, it will be pending for approval.
- The property will then either be approved, rejected, or requested to be improved.
- Approved: The property has been approved by Jitu Property and will be published on the app.
- Rejected: The property has been rejected by Jitu Property.
- Improvement request: The property may be lacking certain criteria (such as photos, etc.) and details of the request (e.g. 'Please add more photos of this property.') will be shown. You will then have to make the appropriate changes for the property to be approved.
How to make an offer
As a potential buyer, you can directly make an offer to the home owner. Once you make an offer, the home owner can see and respond to you directly from the dashboard. This way, we can assure a transparency of the settlement price. Nevertheless, offers provide no guarantee for both parties. Home owner may or may not respond to your offer. Only if the price offered is close to the price listed, our agent will make the upmost for both parties to come into an agreement.
- After logging in as a user, view a property by searching for it from the Search Property activity or search for it from your Favorites list. Click on the property to view it.
- On the bottom of the screen, click on Make an Offer.
- Enter an appropriate amount of money that you would like to offer.
- Set the amount of time that you want the offer to expire from the Offer Expired drop-down menu.
- Agree to the terms and conditions by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
- Click on Confirm Offer.
How to respond to offer as home owner?
How to respond and reply to buyer message?
- After logging in as a home owner, on the Message From Buyer activity accessible from the third button of the bottom navigation bar, select the chat that you want to respond to.
- Click on Message Template and select an appropriate message to reply the buyer.
- Click on the Send button.
The answer is no.
This is to protect the buyer and home owner identity.
Read how to protect myself from illicit/bogus deals
What is Jitu Property's commission fee?
You pay our full service only after your property has been sold and paid by the rightful buyer. Our commission fee is from 2% to 3% from transaction amount.
The bidding process is designed to serve many purposes:
Primary (new) property. Developers can use Jitu Property platform to sell their property quickly, efficiently and fairly. Developers can also choose the best bidding methods for their purpose. After the new units are listed for sale, the potential buyers can use the platform to bid at their desired price. There are two methods that the developer can choose from.
- The best bid method is useful if developers like to see the property price increases as the demand grows for the particular units. For example, consider 6 units of an apartment on the 8th floor available for sale, but each unit is facing a different panoramic view. Of course, the best view will be the most demanded and have the best value. In order to provide fairness to the buyer, yet beneficial to developer, each unit can be listed for bid. In this way, the unit with the best view will have more demand; therefore, the unit can be sold for a higher price.
- An alternative method is the open bid method. This method allows the market to determine the final price. The developer can set the desired selling price; nevertheless, the market will determine the final price. For example, a unit is estimated to have a market value of USD 600.000; however, after the bid opens and many bidders bid but the best bid is only USD 540.000. It is then up to the developer to either accept the highest bid or not to accept.
Secondary homeowners who like to sell their property as soon as possible. Because pricing is purely based on market demand and supply, homeowner can leave it up to the market to bid for the best price. This way, home owners should choose the best bidding method.
- Home owners should choose the open bid method if they are comfortable with 20% lower (buyer can only bid 20% below) than the asking price. If many buyers come in and bid for their property, the unit price will automatically increase. For example, if homeowners set their property for USD 600.000, they should expect to sell it for USD 480.000 at the lowest or much higher depending on number or bidders. Of course, if the property is at good value, people would just simply buy it right at the price of USD600.000 and close the bid. This method is most suitable for those who wants to sell their property quickly.
- If homeowners choose the best bid method, it would mean that the homeowner would expect the minimum price at the asking price. For example, if homeowner set the price for USD600.000, then the lowest price the buyer can buy the property is USD600.000. However, if many bidders come and join the bidding, the price might eventually get much higher. This method is suitable for home owner likes to sell their property without time constraints.
You would need to make a deposit in order for you to participate in a bidding process. Otherwise, you will not be able to bid for any property. The amount for bidding is 1% of the bidding price.
The payment for the deposit should only be made to this account only:
PT. Jitu PropertyBCA Account Number: 000-0000000
Message: Your account ID, found in your application
Please send us the receipt via e-mail or WhatsApp to +62810000000. Once your payment has been received, we will inform you immediately via e-mail and message in your application.
Bidding process rules and regulations
Once you have deposited to Jitu property account, your account will be upgraded so that you are eligible for bidding. You have the right to bid any property, provided that the property uses a bidding method. It can be either a new, unowned property or second-hand property. Once you placed your bid, you can withdraw your bid anytime as long as it has not been accepted by the property owner. The deposit shall be returned to you in full amount if none of your bids are being accepted. However, you are obliged to complete the purchase if your bid is accepted by the property owner. Should you fail for settlement, the deposit is forfeited.
The owner may choose either one of these two bidding methods:
Open bidding
The owner sets the ceiling price (the price in which the owner is willing to let go) for sales. If you accept and bid, you will get the property right away and the bidding will end immediately. Nevertheless, you can place a lower price than the asking price. If it is acceptable by the owner, you will receive the property and the bidding process will end immediately. The asking price must not be lower than 30% of the bidding price. However, if other bidders place a higher bidding price than your bidding price, then you'll have to wait - the bidder may change his/her mind or withdraw the bid. If two bidders bid for the same price, then the system will use a first-come-first-serve (FIFO) basis, meaning that the person who bids first will get the property.
Best bid (time lapse)
The owner sets the minimum price for sales. In this case, you can bid for any price above the minimum. At the end of the time lapse, the highest bidder shall get the property. Nevertheless, the owner has the right to accept the highest bid anytime. If that happens, then the bidding process ends immediately and the highest bidder wins the property. You also have the right to withdraw your bid before the owner accepts it or before the time lapse. If two bidders bid for the same price, then the system will use a first-come-first-serve (FIFO) basis, meaning that the person who bids first will get the property.