Jl. Aipda KS Tubun, Hegarmanah, Cidadap, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40141
IDR 28 B
327/826 m 2
17600 watt
2428 times
Nyaman, Udara sejuk, dekat pusat kuliner dan fashion, dekat Kampus dan Utara kota Bandung
Property ID
Listing Date
24 September 2022 (2 year ago)
Purchase Method
Sales Price
IDR 28,000,000,000
Land Size
826 m 2
Building Size
327 m 2
Negotiable Status
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House for sale in Jl. Aipda KS Tubun, Hegarmanah, Cidadap, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Facing East, Tenure Freehold, Building Size 327 m2, Land Size 826 m2, 4 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom, 1 Garage, 4 Carport, Power Supply 17600 watt, Sales Price IDR 28 B Negotiable
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